Welcome to Our 2025+ Projects
Projected Total Gross Revenue - $900MM
Total Equity Investment Opp - $80MM
Minimum Investment - $1MM
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Every film must meet or exceed the following criteria for curation:
Commercially viable as verified by the Distributor. Sales estimates confirm commercial value.
No more than 45% of the budget in equity unless warranted for commercial advantages.
Ownership of not less than 50% of the copyright unless agreed upon.
Ownership of all Distribution rights other than those used for financing.
120% first position recoupment from no less than 85% of the gross sales revenues, not used as financing.
Prorated backend participation after film budget recoupment on a 65/35 split, investors are allocated 35%.
No less than 100% full coverage of investment based on distributor’s sales estimates.
Max budget no more than $25M / film preferably in the $12 to $20M range.
A secondary range of projects in the $1.5-3.5M range, based primarily on commercial viability to be used as ancillary projects, carried along with the larger film, thus increasing their profile and ROI.
Approval over, Cast, Director, Producers, financing structure, budget, key creatives, shooting script and final cut.
Audit rights and all other normal production approvals.
Completion Bond and insurances in place unless otherwise agreed.
Indemnity from all legal entanglements, an arms length transactions protecting the investment.
The Greenlight Process